© ward mccandlish 2017
About BIC Basic
BIC Basic is a set of standards for bibliographic data provision developed and promoted by Book Industry
Communication, with the support and endorsement of the whole UK book industry, with the objective of
improving the accuracy and timeliness of product information available to the book trade, notably at the
point of sale.
What does BIC Basic consist of?
BIC Basic consists of three elements:
1. A statement of the basic data elements of a product record, whether
for physical or digital products, which publishers and bibliographic
agencies should be able to provide, accurately and on time, to UK retail
booksellers and other supply chain intermediaries.
2. A set of guidelines and recommendations for the provision of product
3. A timetable for publishers for the electronic supply of product data to
data aggregators.
Why is BIC Basic important?
The complexity of the book trade supply chain has always made it
difficult to deliver timely and accurate information regarding price and
availability to the point of sale, and this difficulty has been aggravated by
the fact that publishers and distributors have not always given the
provision of product information the priority it clearly deserves. BIC
Basic helps to standardise procedures throughout the supply chain and
in doing so increases the potential for up-to-date product information to
aid purchase decisions by booksellers and consumers.
The book trade needs faster, better information, and BIC Basic is a key
What is the scope of BIC Basic?
The BIC Basic data elements cover the main product types which are sold through the UK book supply
chain: books; e-books; audio books; mixed media packs; maps; and promotional or point-of-sale material
or trade packs relating to any of these.
What kind of information is included in the BIC Basic standards?
BIC Basic includes three groups of related data elements:
1. Bibliographic data elements, which constitute the basic description of
the product and which are liable to change during the period between
first announcement and publication but will not change materially after
2. Transactional data elements, which detail the UK supply source,
availability and price and are subject to change at any time.
3. Product rights data elements, which identify the status of UK sales
rights and additionally any overseas territories where the product may
or may not be sold.
The above text is taken from Book Industry Communication's 'What is BIC
Basic' document. For the full text, please click here.
About BIC Basic
BIC Basic is a set of standards for bibliographic data
provision developed and promoted
by Book Industry Communication,
with the support and
endorsement of the whole UK
book industry, with the objective
of improving the accuracy and
timeliness of product information
available to the book trade,
notably at the point of sale.
What does BIC Basic consist of?
BIC Basic consists of three elements:
1. A statement of the basic data elements of a product
record, whether for physical or digital products, which
publishers and bibliographic agencies should be able to
provide, accurately and on time, to UK retail booksellers
and other supply chain intermediaries.
2. A set of guidelines and recommendations for the
provision of product data.
3. A timetable for publishers for the electronic supply of
product data to data aggregators.
Why is BIC Basic important?
The complexity of the book trade supply chain has always
made it difficult to deliver timely and accurate information
regarding price and availability to the point of sale, and
this difficulty has been aggravated by the fact that
publishers and distributors have not always given the
provision of product information the priority it clearly
deserves. BIC Basic helps to standardise procedures
throughout the supply chain and in
doing so increases the potential for
up-to-date product information to
aid purchase decisions by
booksellers and consumers.
The book trade needs faster, better
information, and BIC Basic is a key
What is the scope of BIC Basic?
The BIC Basic data elements cover the main product types
which are sold through the UK book supply chain: books;
e-books; audio books; mixed media packs; maps; and
promotional or point-of-sale material or trade packs
relating to any of these.
What kind of information is included in the BIC
Basic standards?
BIC Basic includes three groups of related data elements:
1. Bibliographic data elements, which constitute the basic
description of the product and which are liable to change
during the period between first announcement and
publication but will not change materially after publication.
2. Transactional data elements, which detail the UK supply
source, availability and price and are subject to change at
any time.
3. Product rights data elements, which identify the status
of UK sales rights and additionally
any overseas territories where the
product may or may not be sold.
The above text is taken from Book
Industry Communication's 'What is
BIC Basic' document. For the full
text, please click here.